GMPR Vang's Meggie (yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
AKC# SS29068903
UKC# R328-698
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
Eye Cerf = Current
CM = Clear
EIC = Clear
RD/OSD = Clear
SD2 = Clear
Stargart Disease = Clear
Meggie comes from a stacked pedigree her sire being (Teddy) GRHRCH 4xGMPR Spot-On Cooperstown Splendid Splinter of Blazing Red MH CGCA CGCU and her dam being 1.5xGMPR Vang's Lexus along with multiple 4xGMPR and GRHRCH dogs. Tie this pedigree to Kane's and this litter will produce some Intelligent easy to train high drive dogs in the field, exceptional marking with laid back demeanors.
Meggie has a staunch point, pointing well off the birds hunting upland all over the mid-west residing in Blue Jacket OK.
This all yellow/fox red Litter whelped on Valentines Day February 14. (8) Females and (2) males. (4) females remain available as of 2/27/25. Contact Ricky Vang in Blue Jacket, OK at 918-361-6961 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
Southfork's Kiss From A Rose (yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
AKC# SS22389801
OFA Hips = Excellent
OFA Elbows = Normal
CNM = Clear
EIC = Clear
RD/OSD = Clear
Rose comes from an exceptional pedigree with her sire being GMPR HRCH Watermark's Lean Persueder MH 23 Master amateur qualifier and her Dam GMPR North Lakes Outlaw Jam'n Josie MH mixed in are some impressive field trial dogs. This litter will have it all good marking skills, point and drive.
This all yellow/fox red litter whelped on 7-5-24 (3) males and (2) females. (1) male and (1) female stall available. Contact Ryan Eder in Trevor, WI at 847-833-5632 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
UP Labradors Queen of the Ozarks (yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
AKC# SS29337607
OFA Hips = Excellent
OFA Elbows = Normal
EIC = Normal
PRA = Clear
D Locus = Non-Dilute
Ruth comes from a long line of field trail dogs just to mention a few 11 NAFC FC AFC Cody Cut of Lean Grade, FC AFC Calumets Super Sonic and FC AFC HRCH Taylor lab Downtown Dusty Brown MH.
Ruth is roughly 50lbs and full of energy in the field combined with a very mild and calm demeanor. Combined Ruth's pedigree with Kane and this should produce some well rounded pups ready for the field or water.
This litter whelped on 6-25-24, (5) males and (3) females all yellow/fox red (1) male is still available. Contact Chelsey King in Moran, MI at 906-430-7583 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
4xGMPR Northstars Sun Valley Molly MH 10 (yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
AKC# SS17344601
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
OFA Eyes = Normal
CM = Normal
CNS = Normal
EIC = Normal
HNP = Normal
RD/OSD = Normal
SD2 = Normal
Stargart = Normal
Genetic Pedigree of 4XGMPR Northstars Sun Valley Molly MH 10 (
Paw Print Pedigrees - Details for Molly (
Molly comes from a very impressive pedigree her sire being HRCH 4xGMPR TC-1 CVK Gettin it Done MH and her dam being 4xGMPR Northstars Happy Trails Piper combined with Kane's pedigree will produce some outstanding pups that will excel in the hunt test games as well as be outstanding companions in the hunting home.
Molly has been amateur trained and handled. Between Molly's and Kane's pedigree there are (18) 4xGMPR's, (10) GMPR's, (16) MH's, (2) TC's and plenty of HRCH's and some FC's. Molly has (10) MH passes and is on her way to the master national possibly this year.
This litter whelped on 6-25-24, (7) males and (4) females all yellow/fox red. there are (5) males and (2) females still available as of 6-27-24. Contact Steve Bucierka in WI at 608-698-6426 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
4xGMPR Aarons Georgia Peach (yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
OFA Hips = Excellent
OFA Elbows = Normal
OFA Eyes = Normal
PRA prcd = Normal
EIC= Normal
HNP = Normal
RD/OSD = Normal
SD2 = Normal
AKC # SS20967307
Georgie is an upcoming young yellow female that has an incredible motor. Very nice looking female weighs around 55lbs, is really athletic and put together nice! Georgie finished her 4xGMPR title at just over 25 months of age. She ran under a first time 100% amateur handler! She spends 100% of her time as a house dog as she is calm and quiet in the house. Add Kane to this mix with his relentless drive in the field and calm demeanor will produce pups that will perform in the hunt test world, any hunting condition and be your best buddy.
This all yellow/fox red litter whelped on 4/13/24, (6) Females and (3) Males. (1) females still available as of 4-22-24. Contact Terril DeHaan in Burnsville, MN at 712-441-1477 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
APR SHR Cooperstowns's Fall Classic Northstar Autumn (Yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
OFA Eyes = Clear
EIC = Clear
CNM = Clear
PRA = Clear
RD/OSD = Clear
SD2 = Clear
DM = Clear
HNP = Clear
Autumn is an incredibly well-bred female, fox red she is about 52-54 lbs and is completely ripped! She is super sweet and loving girl with a great on-off switch. Her point is intense and staunch and she is very graceful and smooth in the upland field. Autumn loves to retrieve and has very high retrieve and prey drive. Autumns sire is GRHRCH, UH, GMPR Black Powder's Blazing Red Flame MH, MNH, QAA (UKC and AKC Hall of Fame), her dam is 4xGMPR Chaska of Northstar SH.
An all Fox Red litter has whelped on 6-9-23 (4) males and (3) females with (1) male still available as of 6-19-23. Contact Justin VanDeHey at 715-383-3159 or Check out his website for more information at
Patriots Easters Amazing Grace CGCA CGCU TKI VHMA VSWG "Grace" (black) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
OFA CHIC #157166
OFA Dilute = normal/clear
OFA Hips = good
OFA Elbow= normal
OFA Advanced cardiac = normal
OFA eyes = normal/clear
CNM = normal/clear
DM = normal/clear
EIC = carrier
PRA prcd = normal/clear
HNP = normal/clear
RD/OSD = normal/clear
SD2 = normal/clear
Stargart Disease = carrier
Grace is about as smart as they come. She is full speed ahead when outdoors with never give up attitude. She will retrieve about anything you ask of her. She initially started her career as Service Dog, and although successful, we felt she was better suited as scent detection dog.
I would imagine Grace would tell you her favorite thing to do is use her nose. Her ability to track is amazing and she has recovered several deer that would not have been found otherwise. During the off season, Grace enjoys searching for sheds, scent games, swimming, playing with cats, lounging on the couch with her humans and watching squirrels and birds out the window.
Grace averages 50lbs and is absolute stunning. She has the desired "off switch" that is so sought after in a labrador. She has an incredible will to please which has made her training very enjoyable. Grace has earned the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC), CGC Advanced, CGC Urban, Trick dog intermediate, Virtual Home Manners and Scent Work titles. Most recently Grace passed her practical Therapy Dog exam and we are in the process of getting her paperwork approved to start working at local Veteran facilities.
Notable dogs in Grace's 5 generation pedigree include:
13xGRHRCH Missy's Cajun Dakota MH, 2018 UKC Hall of Fame.
5xGRHRCH Missy Hollowdale Autrey, 2018 UKC Hall of Fame.
3xGRHRCH UH Dakota's Cajun Roux MH
GRHRCH GMHR WR UH Oz's Yellow Fever of Washita's MH
2xGRHRCH UH Washita's On Hot Tamale MH MNR
GRHRCH UH Slim Jim Rascal
2xNAFC 2xCNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac
CNFC FC CAFC Greenwing's Chances are Slim
NFC AFC Storm's Riptide Star
BISS AM/CAN/INT CH Balcroft Silonas Time To Reign
This repeat breeding has taken place with a black, yellow/fox red litter expected to whelp on 4-16-23 Located in Shiocton, WI is now taking applications. Contact Chris Warner Harris at 920-716-6293 or for more information.
KA-Tonka's Kandel Light my Fire (black) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
CNM = Normal
CMS = Normal
EIC = Normal
HNP = Normal
RD/OSD = Normal
SD2 = Normal
Stargardt Disease = Normal
AKC # SS00596805
Kandel is a medium build female weighing roughly 60lbs with a very athletic build, she is a sweet girl and will share the couch with you or give you and the kids a good face lick. Put her in the field and she becomes all business. Trained at K&L Kennels by Mike Lautaue. I have had the pleasure to have hunted over her and have experienced her great nose and steady point. Competing in the Packerland bird dog series and guiding at local hunt clubs is what she enjoys when she in not hunting wild birds in Wisconsin and the Dakotas. Her sire being Jet Eclipse SH and her bitch being Katonkas Switch N Up the Game combined with Kane's pedigree will produce some fantastic hard driving bird finding machines.
An all Black/Yellow/fox red litter whelped on 3-22-23 (5) black and (4) yelllow/fox red. Contact Jake Lautenbach at 920-255-0003 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
4xGMPR Aarons Georgia Peach (yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
OFA Hips = Excellent
OFA Elbows = Normal
OFA Eyes = Normal
PRA prcd = Normal
EIC= Normal
HNP = Normal
RD/OSD = Normal
SD2 = Normal
AKC # SS20967307
Georgie is an upcoming young yellow female that has an incredible motor. Very nice looking female weighs around 55lbs, is really athletic and put together nice! Georgie finished her 4xGMPR title at just over 25 months of age. She ran under a first time 100% amateur handler! Plans for 2023 include running AKC for her MH title. She spends 100% of her time as a house dog as she is calm and quiet in the house. Add Kane to this mix with his relentless drive in the field and calm demeanor will produce pups that will perform in the hunt test world, any hunting condition and be your best buddy.
An all yellow/fox red litter whelped on 3-16-23 (6) males and (4) females. Contact Terril DeHaan in Burnsville, MN at 712-441-1477 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
SHR Bright's Bella (black) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
OFA Hips = Excellent
OFA Elbows = Normal
OFA Eyes = Normal
CNM = Normal
PRA prcd = Normal
EIC = Normal
HNP = Normal
RD/OSD = Normal
SD2 = Normal
Dilute Gene = Clear
Stargardt Disease = Carrier
AKC # SS19844301
Ellie comes from a very impressive pedigree her sire being 4xGMPR HRCH Waterman Creek's Taking Command SH and her dam being CPR SHR UG SCK Etringer's Right Stuff Roxie.
Ellie has a solid point that is straight up hard core! She has endless drive, is very intelligent and patient. Ellie was handled for her started title by Jena's six year old daughter, very impressive. This will be an excellent pairing combining a strong point, biddable and a calm demeanor.
This litter whelped on 2-26-23 (7) pups with (1) black female still available as of 3-15-23 . Contact Jena Zenner in Medford, WI at 715-560-8430 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
Tropple's Double Grits Risky Cricket (black) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
AKC # SS15009007
OFA Hips - Good
OFA Elbows - Normal
OFA Eyes - Clear
EIC - Clear
CM - Clear
CMS - Clear
HNP - Clear
MCD - Clear
Pra-Prd - Clear
SD2 - Carrier
Stargardt Disease - Carrier
Cricket is an obedient, hard driving, great marking female with an exceptional nose and off switch like no other. She posses that squared up male look of the Risky Raider Lines weighing in at roughly 60lbs. Her sire is Holzingers True Grit Ruger MH, which is directly out of GMPR Riks Risky Raider MH - 2001 US open pheasant hunting championship open class winner - APLA Hall of famer.
Her dam is GMPR True Grit Missy MH. Notable litter mates are GMPR Madsens Crusin Back roads SH and True Grits Hunter SH.
All pups will be genetically tested at 4-weeks for health clearances and guaranteed for 26 months for OFA hips, elbows and eyes.
This is a repeat breeding, the first litter had exceptional results with (4) pups pounding the grouse woods in Vermont and a couple retrieving ducks on the Mississippi. All the new owners have nothing but praise for there new companions.
This litter whelped on 1-24-23 (12) pups (4) black males, (4) black females, (3) yellow females and (1) yellow male.
(1) black male and (1) yellow female still available and ready to go home as of 3-20-23. Contact Jerry Tropple in Galesville, WI at 608-484-0862 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
CPR Hpk's Snowy Night in Aspen (yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
OFA Hips = Excellent
OFA Elbows = Normal
CNM = Clear
EIC = Clear
PRA/prcd = Clear
AKC Reg # SS10396103
Aspen weighing in at 60lbs comes from excellent pedigree her sire being 4xGMPR Hpk's Templeton Rye SH and her dam being 4xGMPR Hpk's Back in Black SH along with 4xGMPR GRHRCH Rooster Smasher MH QAA and 4xGMPR Iowa Pointing Labs Grizzley SH, mix in Kane's pedigree and this will prove to be a litter that has it all, Point, great marking , drive and of course the off switch so desired.
An all yellow/fox red litter whelped on 1-2-23 (6) females and (4) males. Contact Nate Hamblin Marshalltown, IA at (641) 354-3190 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
GMPR WR Baier's Lady Skye's The Limit (yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
Current CERF
Cardiac = LR-CA 12096/28F/P-VPI
EIC = Clear
CNM = Clear
DM = Clear
PRA/prcd = Clear
HNP = Clear
RD/OSD = Clear
SD2 = Clear
AKC # SS04095701
Skye comes from a stacked pedigree with her sire being 4xGMPR HRCH Cashman's Touchem All Kirby Nemitz MH QAA and her bitch being 4xGMPR GMPR-1 HRCH Baier's Lady Legacy of Tru Point MH along with Riks Risky Raider, Rooster Smasher and Kane just to mention a few. This will prove to be an excellent litter of high drive in the field dogs with a strong point and marking along with a laid back demeanor.
This all yellow/fox red litter whelped on 12-22-22 (6) males and (4) females. Contact Fritz Baier in Griswold, IA at (712) 789-9254 for more information and deposits on this litter.
APR SHR Burlingames Birdie Virdie (black) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
OFA Hips= Excellent
OFA Elbows = Normal
Current Eye CERF
Virdie comes from a very impressive pedigree her sire being Cashmans Risky Raider in Vader MH along with Rik's Risky Raider MH combined with Kane should produce some very talented dogs in the field and water.
Verdie enjoys hunting waterfowl and upland birds in her home state of IL. She also participates in the Packerland Bird Dog Challenges in WI. Black and yellow/fox red litter.
This litter whelped on 9-17-22. (9) pups (3) yellow males, (2) yellow females, (2) black males and (2) black females.
Contact Todd Bex in Genoa, IL at (815) 761-7538 for more information and deposits.
CPR SHR Iowa Pointing Labs Jill (fox red) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane MH
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
AKC # SR9987802
UKC # R289-541
Jill owned by Wes Strahler resides in Ohio. She is a medium size female weighing roughly 55lbs loves to retrieve and hunt waterfowl along with upland birds. Her pedigree includes her Sire GMPR Birchcreek Iowa Pointing Labs Kodiak Cody as well as 4xGMPR Seafield Of Bearpoint MH.
This repeat breeding whelped on 6-30-22 all fox red (5) males, (1) female, $1500.00. Contact Wes Strahler at (740) 505-8450 for deposits and information on this litter.
Patriots Easters Amazing Grace CGCA CGCU TKI VHMA VSWG "Grace" (black) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
OFA CHIC #157166
OFA Dilute = normal/clear
OFA Hips = good
OFA Elbow= normal
OFA Advanced cardiac = normal
OFA eyes = normal/clear
CNM = normal/clear
DM = normal/clear
EIC = carrier
PRA prcd = normal/clear
HNP = normal/clear
RD/OSD = normal/clear
SD2 = normal/clear
Stargart Disease = carrier
Grace is about as smart as they come. She is full speed ahead when outdoors with never give up attitude. She will retrieve about anything you ask of her. She initially started her career as Service Dog, and although successful, we felt she was better suited as scent detection dog.
I would imagine Grace would tell you her favorite thing to do is use her nose. Her ability to track is amazing and she has recovered several deer that would not have been found otherwise. During the off season, Grace enjoys searching for sheds, scent games, swimming, playing with cats, lounging on the couch with her humans and watching squirrels and birds out the window.
Grace averages 50lbs and is absolute stunning. She has the desired "off switch" that is so sought after in a labrador. She has an incredible will to please which has made her training very enjoyable. Grace has earned the AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC), CGC Advanced, CGC Urban, Trick dog intermediate, Virtual Home Manners and Scent Work titles. Most recently Grace passed her practical Therapy Dog exam and we are in the process of getting her paperwork approved to start working at local Veteran facilities.
Notable dogs in Grace's 5 generation pedigree include:
13xGRHRCH Missy's Cajun Dakota MH, 2018 UKC Hall of Fame.
5xGRHRCH Missy Hollowdale Autrey, 2018 UKC Hall of Fame.
3xGRHRCH UH Dakota's Cajun Roux MH
GRHRCH GMHR WR UH Oz's Yellow Fever of Washita's MH
2xGRHRCH UH Washita's On Hot Tamale MH MNR
GRHRCH UH Slim Jim Rascal
2xNAFC 2xCNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac
CNFC FC CAFC Greenwing's Chances are Slim
NFC AFC Storm's Riptide Star
BISS AM/CAN/INT CH Balcroft Silonas Time To Reign
This litter whelped on 4-26-22 (6) pups, 3-black males, 1-black female, 1-yellow/red male and 1-yellow/red female. Located in Shiocton, WI is now taking applications. Contact Chris Warner Harris at 920-716-6293 or for more information.
East Harbor's Black Ice Betty (yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
AKC #SR92626402
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
EIC = Clear
CNM = Clear
PRA = Clear
RD/OSD = Clear
HNP = Clear
SD2 = Clear
Betty is a medium build female around 60lbs her pedigree is littered with heavily titled dogs. 1.5GMPR Calumets Wild Card MH QAA, 3xGMPR HRCH 2XNC Reno's Black Ice MH, FC AFC Calumets Super Sonic, 2XNAFC FC AFC CAFC 2XNAFC Ebonstar Lean Mac, 4xGMPR Cashman's Super Trooper and GMPR Rik's Risky Raider just to name few. Coupled with Kane's pedigree this will be an outstanding litter of High drive in the field, excellent marking and very biddable pups with an exceptional off switch.
An all yellow/fox red litter whelped on 4-2-22 (3) males and (2) females. Contact John Farrow in McCleary, WA at 360-402-5605 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
Tropple's Double Grits Risky Cricket (black) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
AKC # SS15009007
OFA Hips - Good
OFA Elbows - Normal
OFA Eyes - Clear
EIC - Clear
CM - Clear
CMS - Clear
HNP - Clear
MCD - Clear
Pra-Prd - Clear
SD2 - Carrier
Stargardt Disease - Carrier
Cricket is an obedient, hard driving, great marking female with an exceptional nose and off switch like no other. She posses that squared up male look of the Risky Raider Lines weighing in at roughly 60lbs. Her sire is Holzingers True Grit Ruger MH, which is directly out of GMPR Riks Risky Raider MH - 2001 US open pheasant hunting championship open class winner - APLA Hall of famer.
Her dam is GMPR True Grit Missy MH. Notable litter mates are GMPR Madsens Crusin Back roads SH and True Grits Hunter SH.
All pups will be genetically tested at 4-weeks for health clearances and guaranteed for 26 months for OFA hips, elbows and eyes.
This litter whelped on 3-9-22 (6) black and (5) yellow with (1) yellow and (1) black male still available 4-6-22. Contact Jerry Tropple in Galesville, WI at 608-484-0862 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
APR HR Cooperstown's Ignitor "Molly" (yellow) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
AKC: SS03551201
UKC: L101, 469
OFA Hips: Good
OFA Elbows: Normal
OFA Eyes: Clear
EIC: Clear
CNM: Clear
PRA: Clear
RD/OSD: Clear
RD2: Clear
DM: Clear
HNPK: Clear
Molly is a beautiful 51-53 lb female, with a nice athletic build, intensely toned muscles and a nice deep chest. Molly is from Cooperstown's Teddy x Nellie breeding and you can see both mom and dad in her. Molly is a very happy loving girl who never stops wagging her tail, except when she is on point. She loves the water and has very high prey drive, but not out of control. Molly has an intense natural point. Coupled with Kane this will prove to be an outstanding litter of natural pointing bird retrieving machines.
An all yellow/fox red litter whelped on 2-10-22, (9) males and (1) female. Contact Justin VanDeHey, Vesper, WI at 715-383-3159 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
MPR No Limits Lady in Red Arya (fox red) / 4xGMPR TC-1 HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
AKC #SS12239806
UKC # R304071
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
Eyes = LR-EYE23768/29F
CM = Clear
DM = Clear
EIC = Clear
HNP = Clear
PRA/Prcd = Clear
SD2 = Carrier
Arya owned by Yee Moua residing in St. Paul, MN is a medium built female roughly 50lbs with a stylish natural point is a bird finding nut. Waterfowl and upland birds are her passion with an eager to please. She comes from the Sauk River lines paired with Kane's pedigree should prove to be some excellent test dogs, hunting partners and family companions.
An all fox red litter whelped on 1-4-22 (3) males and (3) females. Contact Yee Moua at 651-338-1357 or for deposits and more information on this litter
CPR Black Ice's TM's Red Hot Ivy JH (yellow) / 4xGMPRTC HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
Current Eye CERF
CNM- Clear
EIC= Clear
AKC #SR96891203
Ivy owned by Tay Moua resides in St. Paul MN and comes from the Black Ice lines with Super Sonic Scooter MH being her sire and Ice's Rian makers Come on Baby Light my Fire MH her dam. She has a well stacked pedigree with many 4xGMPR's including Rooster Smasher as well multiple FC-AFC champions. We have bread to her in the past with Brody and had exceptional results. This breeding will produce all yellow/fox red pups with a ton of bird drive, great marking skills and an even temperament.
All yellow/fox red litter whelped on November 5, 2021. (3) females and (2) males Contact Tay Moua at 612-201-2300 or for deposits and information on this litter.
CPR SHR Iowa Pointing Labs Jill (fox red) / 4xGMPR HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
AKC # SR99872802
UKC # R289-541
Jill owned by Wes Strahler resides in Ohio. She is a medium size female weighing roughly 55lbs loves to retrieve and hunt waterfowl along with upland birds. Her pedigree includes her sire GMPR Birchcreek Iowa Pointing Labs Kodiak Cody as well as 4xGMPR Seafield Of Bearpoint MH.
This all fox red litter whelped on 8-1-21 (5) males and (4) females. Contact Wes Strahler at (740) 505-8450 for availability and information on this litter.
GMPR HR Birchcreek Cowboy Tiger Lilly Mac MH QA2 (fox red) / 4xGMPR HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
OFA Hips = Excellent
OFA Elbows = Normal
EIC = Clear
CNM = Clear
PRA/Prcd = Clear
AKC # SS05848508
Owned by Troy Swanson, Lilly is the only fox red pointing lab ever to obtain MH GMPR titles by 2.9 years of age. Lilly was 2 for 2 in obtaining her AKC QA2 title. Lilly was trained by a true amateur who learned along the way. Lilly weighs between 55 - 60 lbs. She is a ball of fire on the marks and calculated on the blinds. Lilly is quiet at the line and quiet at home. Lilly's pedigree includes but is not limited to : FC AFC Pin Oak's Texas Rex - 4XGMPR HRCH Black Forest Grits MH and 2001 US Open Pheasant Champion GMPR MHR Rik's Risky Raider MH
Both Kane and Lilly have an insane ability to adapt to multiple events at the same time. Both of these dogs are ripped and have a strong desire to hunt and retrieve birds.
This all fox red litter whelped on 7-2-21 (4) males and (3) Females. Puppies will be whelped and raised by Kim Lewis at Mason Dixon Game Outfitters until they are ready for pick up. Contact Troy Swanson at 410- 963-3674 or for more information on this litter and deposits.
Stosh's Red Pointing Scarlet Weasley (Fox Red) / 4xGMPR HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
OFA Hips = good
OFA Elbows = normal
EIC = clear
CNM = clear
PRA/Prcd = clear
HNP = clear
SD2 = carrier
AKC # SR92050404
Scarlet is larger female weighing in at 70lbs and comes from a long line of pointing pedigrees with Sauk River's Weekend Warrior being her sire along with HRK's Rooster Smasher, Rik's Risky Raider and the Black forest line will prove to be an outstanding breeding. Expect high drive dogs with a even temperament and a fantastic off switch.
This all fox red/yellow litter whelped on 7-31-21 (5) males and (4) females. Contact Lynn Dunson in Temperance, MI at 419-262-0082 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
Hrk's Red Roxi of Midnight Sun (fox red) / 4xGMPR HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
Current Eye CERF
EIC = Clear
CNM = Clear
DM = Clear
MCD = Clear
Prcd/PRA = Clear
RD/OSD = Clear
SD2 = Clear
HNP = Clear
AKC # SS02137003
DNA Coat = eeBB Carries Yellow/Red does not carry Chocolate
Roxi's pedigree is stacked with proven pointing lab lines with multiple 4xGMPR's as well as HRC and AKC titles. Her sire being 4xGMPR HRCH Arrowpoint Kenai Midnight Sun MH. This litter will produce very talented dogs for the field, blind and hunt test games as well as great family companions.
This all yellow/fox red litter whelped on 1-17-21 (4) females and (3) males.
Contact Dale or Kelly Swiderski for more information and deposits on this litter.
CPR SHR Riverswild Outlaw Kiaya Rooz (black)/ 4xGMPR HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
OFA Hips = Excellent
OFA Elbows = Normal
EIC = Clear (by parentage)
Kiaya is the daughter of 4xGMPR GRHRCH Hrk's Rooster Smasher of TLK MH and 4xGMPR HRCH Veragators G'Force ZZ Top this is an outstanding pedigree match-up. This will be exceptional litter with natural point and a ton of drive as well as a great on/off switch.
This breeding has taken place Christmas puppies expected to whelp on 12-24-20.
Litter Whelped on 12-24-20 (1) yellow male, (1) yellow female and (1) black male.
Contact Catherine Burch at 231-450-3605 or for more information and deposits on this litter.
APR SHR Cooperstowns's Fall Classic Northstar Autumn (Yellow) / 4xGMPR HRCH Master Brody's Raising Kane
OFA Hips = Good
OFA Elbows = Normal
OFA Eyes = Clear
EIC = Clear
CNM = Clear
PRA = Clear
RD/OSD = Clear
SD2 = Clear
DM = Clear
HNP = Clear
Autumn is an incredibly well-bred female, fox red she is about 52-54 lbs and is completely ripped! She is super sweet and loving girl with a great on-off switch. Her point is intense and staunch and she is very graceful and smooth in the upland field. Autumn loves to retrieve and has very high retrieve and prey drive.. Autumns sire is GRHRCH, UH, GMPR Black Powder's Blazing Red Flame MH, MNH, QAA (UKC and AKC Hall of Fame), her dam is 4xGMPR Chaska of Northstar SH.
This litter whelped on 2-9-21 (7) males and (4) females all yellow/fox red. Contact Justin VanDeHey at 715-383-3159 or Check out his website for more information at